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Number One: We are each perfect exactly as we are.
Number Two: It is our patterned beliefs and expectations that keep us from recognizing

how we feel and why we feel it. This has helped us all create the mountains of shame and blame
that exist around of our natural experiences, our life choices, and Our Raw Material

(the cosmic hand we were each dealt; which carries a lot of meaning).
Number Three: At ORM, we call this our Energetic Debris, and we believe

it is the only thing truly standing in the way of our creative participation in anything and everything.
Number Four: Ideals are important anchors for our belief systems. Getting your hopes up
encourages positive outcomes! Could we stop being afraid of feeling disappointment?
Number Five: Wholeness is the Goalness, but none of us are getting there, 100%,

in a human body, right? So maybe we could relax and have some fun with these emotions and the conditions that create them.
That just might be the point of having them!


Universal Truths

A. You are Perfect Right Now

B. We are each going to feel hurt feelings, AND we are each going to hurt someone’s feelings.

C. We are each going to feel defensive, AND we are each going to cause others to feel defensive.

ORM Philosophy


When we talk about SOUL ENERGY - it is as an Energy, a Voice, a Scale, and/or a Protector

When we talk about EGO ENERGY- it is an Energy, a Voice, a Scale, and/ or a Protector

Our souls recognize our experiences, not our characterizations of good/bad... and they don't recognize fear of any kind.

All of our fearful thoughts are ego-based, and we have thousands of them daily. This is part of our WHOLENESS, and when we allow that truth, we find it easier to understand our reactions, without getting caught in the shame around just having them to begin with! Even if we don’t outwardly show them, or acknowledge them easily within ourselves, we are affected by them.


Our true and deep awareness of our connection to “God” (or whatever you choose to call this connected energy) comes through the honest discovery of our own hearts. Especially when we access our soul energies and see how beautifully they can harmonize with our egos!  If we look to our VALUES and IDEALS for growth (individual and collective) and allow IGNORANCE to exist as a neutral or opportunity for education, we help prepare the space for ALIGNING WITH INTENTION as we PERSIST with knowing better and doing better so those who don’t can have the space they need to breathe...


We are each the architects of our own lives: protectors and promoters of our individual Souls and our Individual Egos. When we prioritize their care, we find a natural inclination to inspire their growth and support, as well. The power of that RESOURCE will only continue to grow as we continue to use the ORM Arena.


Study yourself.

Your impressions are the roots of everything.




1.  Humans operate two equally valuable energy systems inside their bodies - their Soul and their Ego

2.  The Ego Energies act as an energy, a voice, a scale and a protector

3.  The Soul Energies act as an energy, a voice, a scale and a protector

4.  Each human is inherently perfect at all times (Wholeness)

5.  Each human’s degree of awareness of their connection to everything else is uniquely designed through their own individual experience and perspective

6.  We cannot know the experience of another unless we remove our own judgment and listen

7.  We should not decide what another human should know or do (except for laws of man)

8.  Each human experiences their own connection uniquely and other humans complement our experience 

9.  We each come from common connected energy.

10. We are unaware of our full manifesting capabilities


Wholeness: We believe that the Soul and the Ego energies can and will find harmony when we actively acknowledge ourselves in Wholeness (no matter how many flaws we can identify in our choices, big and small). This simple self-awareness unlocks the energy that supports our inner healer, connects us with our passion, and allows us to clear the energetic debris that has deposited in our bodies over the span of a day and/or the course of a lifetime. 


Awaring: is what we call the process or state of perpetually seeking/being in Wholeness. There's an aligning of seriousness and silliness in awaring that opens the space to breathe into our bodies. Through our soul's perspective we recognize and pay homage to how everyone and everything is connected. Once that light is turned on from within and we begin awaring, we are able to better manage the rhythms of our ego's energies, as it becomes impossible to ignore the steady resonance of the soul’s voice. As we invite all our fractured pieces into our concept of who we are, our self-judgment softens, and we are better able to recognize that we truly are perfect in every single moment…


Common Sense: This connotation varies widely, and is uniquely specific to each human being. If we take a step back from our own ideas of what Common Sense should be, we instantly become better listeners. We shift the production of fear and defensive energy, offering in its place some sacred space for potential transformation. From this place, we are able to help move our collective focus. Holding respect for ignorance (ours or theirs) allows us to see ourselves as both teacher and student. This helps transform our reactions into productive and useful energy. The scales of the Soul and the Ego begin seeking intentional balance, and are able to present healthier outlets for our protective reactions and judgments.


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