Our Raw Material: A Modern Approach To Ancient Wisdom
Frame Your Life, Naturally.
Wholeness Week: gets a little extra time, because it falls at the end of the 12 week cycle and persists until the next equinox or solstice. Since Wholeness is the point of the practice, we are afforded more of it as we seek to become better representatives for ourselves, our beliefs and our interests, while considering those of others too.
Try this at home: The challenge for this period, right before spring, is to try envisioning everything around you as perfect. It is only our minds that create the judgements that keep us holding shame and blame. Somewhere within our beliefs about legal system and our value systems lie all of the things that matter to us, and all of the things that trigger us. And that is perhaps the only truth that is....

The ORM Arena:
Our Ocean/The Emotional Pillars
Our Sky/The Spiritual Pillars
Our Architect/The Mental Pillars
Our Gardener/The Physical Pillars
Ancient Advice From Apollo's Temple at Delphi:
Know Thyself - Nothing to Excess - Surety Brings Ruin
The Wholeness Pillar -- Weekly Video
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ORM History Video
Find your Center with ORM! Tavish Carduff and/or Quan Tracy Cherry discuss the weekly focus and the magical ways in which the practice itself changes the way you feel about your life. Let the 12 Pillars become a fun part of living your daily life as it replaces our feelings of shame, anxiety, stress (the list is endless....) with curiosity and creativity!